Read more here about how the connection with Vanuatu came about

2010 MARCH

One RSE (Recognised Seasonal Employee) worker came to church. Following on from that small beginning, and at their invitation, a Bible study for him and his ni-Vanuatu workmates began at their place of accommodation on a Wednesday night. There were about 39 men and 10 women, who were working for two different employers from April through to September. Friendships with these people began.


The number of employers increased to four, with some in another place of accommodation. So a second bible study began on a Thursday night.

October: Our first mission trip occurred when a team of 10 went from Kerikeri Baptist. It was a joint venture with a Christian family from Motueka and resulted in the construction of a women’s meeting house on Lamen Island. Pastor Brian and Stephanie also visited the villages of many of those who had come down to Kerikeri. This involved spending time strengthening relationships, getting to know their wider family, plus preaching engagements for Pastor Brian on Lamen and Epi.


At the request of one of the men, leadership training for those interested began on a Friday night.

July: A mission trip helped progress the building of a church at Ponkovio village (Epi) along with involvement at local schools and church activities.



There were now five employers and close to 90 workers coming at different stages right through the year. Bible studies and leadership training continued.

October: A team of six went to Epi and Lamen Islands. Dr Ann and Dr Peter helped at and held clinics at six aid posts, one village, two dispensaries and the health centre. Pastor Brian held workshops for Sunday School teachers and preached. (Kerikeri Baptist church sponsored new Sunday school material for a large number of the Sunday schools on Epi and Lamen.) Another church member went and helped locals with some building on their church on Lamen.

December-January 2014: a church couple visit south Epi, Lamen Island and a small village on Malekula.



There were now six local employers.

October: Dr Ann and Dr Peter held workshops for health workers on Epi. Pastor Brian held workshops for elders and deacons from Presbyterian and AoG churches.



Due to PSA affecting the kiwifruit crop, the number of workers and employers was reduced slightly.

July (post cyclone): Pastor Brian was invited to teach for a week at Mission Training School on Espiritu Santo, church members and community folk paint and rebuild at Vaemali Health Centre, and a community team, coordinated by Pastor Brian and Stephanie, start rebuild of two village kindergartens.

November: Dr Ann and Dr Peter hold workshops for health workers on Epi and a church couple visit South Epi.



The number of employers remain at six and while a number of them are still retaining reduced numbers, there are still Vanuatu folk in the community most of the year.

2016 brought another exciting venture in the form of helping to organise a mission trip for folk from other local churches. And so in July a group of four Baptists, three Frontline folk (AoG) and one from the Catholic Church headed off. The folk from Frontline and the Catholic Church were left in the hands of friends on Lamen Island where they helped build a community outdoor stage. They also had discussions with locals about their water supply and on return to NZ have started a project to help remote communities get water.

Dr Ann and Dr Peter, assisted by Stephanie, again ran workshops for health workers on Epi, this time venturing to South Epi to conduct a workshop there for the southern health workers. Pastor Brian held training for church leaders and followed on groups he had previously trained. 


There are a number of Kerikeri Baptist Church folk who have been involved with these people in a variety of ways here in Kerikeri. There is a committed core who come to/help run the Bible studies, and then there are others who have helped provide transport at times, invited them for a meal, taken them sightseeing and involved them in other recreational activities eg fishing trips. The ni-Vans also have grown from not just singing an item during the church service to leading our worship at church from time to time.

It is also important to state that we have a good rapport with many of the local employers and work with them to ensure that all we do is within the government guidelines relating to the work scheme the ni-Vans are on.